le Villi

Qui noi t’aspettiam
We are waiting for you here

Abandoned by her fiancé Roberto, Anna dies of grief. Her ghost joins the Villis (spirits) in cursing Roberto for his betrayal of love and forcing him to dance until he dies.

Porgi Amor

Porgi amor
Give me, O love

Once the young heroine in love with the mysterious Lindoro (the Count), the Countess is far from the happy ending of her first story (Rossini’s The Barber of Seville). She asks Love to give her some hope…

Si tu m’aimes, Carmen

Si tu m’aimes, Carmen
If you love me, Carmen

A brief but hauntingly beautiful love duet sung by Carmen and Escamillo outside the bullring in Seville.

Questa o quella

Questa o quella
This one or that one

The ultimate cad, the Duke of Mantua, finds all beautiful women to his liking…

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