Contessa, perdono!

Contessa, perdono!
My Countess, forgive me

The Count begs his wife to forgive his attempted infidelity.

Nessun dorma

Nessun dorma
None shall sleep

Prince Calàf sings a triumphant ode to love.

Votre Toast

Votre Toast
To your health!

Escamillo, revelling in his celebrity and the thrill of the bullfight, toasts the soldiers in the tavern as fellow fighters…

Non più mesta

Non più mesta
I’ll no longer sit alone

Cinderella reflects on the changes in her life and celebrates with a dance at the ball.

Parigi o cara

Parigi o cara
We shall leave Paris

Alfredo and Violetta dream of a life together away from Paris, to restore Violetta to health.

Suoni la tromba

Suoni la tromba
Sound the trumpet

Two Puritan soldiers proclaim their willingness to fight for their ideals in the coming battle.

Come ti piace imponi

Come ti piace imponi
Command me as you will

Sextus declares he will do anything his beloved Vitellia commands in her quest for vengeance against the Emperor Titus.

O du mein holder Abendstern

O! du mein holder Abendstern
O you, my lovely evening star

Wolfram, in love with Elisabeth, asks the evening star to guide her soul to paradise.

Sola, sola in buio loco

Sola, sola in buio loco
All alone in this dark place

Leporello, masquerading as Don Giovanni, is called to account by those the Don has wronged.

Il core vi dono

Il core vi dono
This heart I give you

Dorabella eventually succumbs to Guglielmo (her sister’s fiancé disguised as an Albanian!) as part of the men’s plan to test their lovers’ fidelity.

Sein wir wieder gut

Sein wir wieder gut
Let’s be friends again

The young composer is inspired again about the power of music.

Sempre libera

Sempre libera
Forever free

What is the key to life – the freedom to pursue pleasure or a deeper commitment to love?


Let’s raise a toast

One of opera’s best drinking songs!

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